— VOL. 01 —

Take your meds

. . . my 2019self said to my post-2020self. Back then, „the sane narrative” was coherent with reality around me, but how about now? Turns out many people in the highest positions of power were in cahoots with Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates wants to blout out the sun, and the World Economic Forum is trying to implement a plan that manages to be, at the same time, a Marxist’s, a Conservative’s and a Liberal’s worst nightmare. This page is an effort to document Present Day, Present Time’s insanity.

The Insane Narrative

or How the world turned into such a terrible place.

The elites have reached a point where all concerns from basic needs up to social mobility have become but an after-thought. The only exciting things left for their over-achieving personalities to do seem to be extreme activities and world-change. (Is that really the case? Well, I won’t pretend to know decisively, but it’s very damning that so many of them seem to always be caught up in terrible behavior.)
When it comes to world-change, Western culture has associated „world domination“ with bad behavior. Very few people, especially among those with a savior complex, believe they are evil. Therefore, people who are rich and powerful enough to attempt world-change still feel the need to justify their attempts to themselves and their peers.

Are they just lying? It doesn’t look like it, they generally seem to genuinely believe what they preach. But, it escapes no one—even if it is swept under the rug by those who have also drank the kool-aid—that their doomsday prophecies have been embarrassing failures, and their pontifical condemnations of lower-class behavior have been gross exaggerations to the point of ridicule.
NOTE: „World-Change,” for the sake of this page, is defined as a deliberate attempt to fully amprehend and control the complex and emergent systems that constitute the world, meaning the cultural superstructure, the political and economical infrastructure, and nature.⁜

WIP: Insanity Hall of Fame

  • The Great Reset: 1
  • Bill Gates Attempts to Literally (as in non-figuratively) Blot Out the Sun: 1 2
  • Did you remember PRISM?: 1
  • Epstein: WIP
  • More. . .